Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Life's little issues

Hi, long time no see! Wow, so much has been happening to me. God is constantly amazing me with the opportuntity to serve Him. Since my last post, I have started a new job. I love it! It makes me feel all professional and grown up lol. Unfortunately this came at the same time my father passed away, July 22, 2012. Still hard to believe. I know it is the right "order" of things for your parents to go first but that doesn't make it an easy thing to go through. My dad and I didn't always see eye to eye but for the most part I was able to find a positive closure in his passing.  Last but not least, I have met a man I know I can spend the rest of my life with. Didn't know if I was ever going to find the piece of the puzzle that made it all make sense but it looks like God has blessed me with a wonderful man.
I am always in constant search for the doors God opens for me. Although I am happy with my job, I know teaching is what God has called me to do.  It looks as though God may be leading me to another state. The man I met lives in Texas and he and his friends have offered me a helping hand to get started there as a teacher. I know this is going to be difficult for my family, but I feel it is something i have to try. It is hard to explain to people that God has called you to do something. I have felt it in my heart for a year now that I would one day move away from the only home I have ever known. I told some friends from church to be prepared, and sure enough the opportunity has presented itself. Did I go looking for it? In some ways yes, but I have also prayed about this every step of the way. I believe He gave me the desire to go looking and planted the seeds that lead me to the right place at the right time. I keep asking God to show me if this isn't His will. I want to know....I do not want to do anything that is not in His will. I believe He continuously says yes, Lisa this is what I want you to do.
So, here I am getting closer to the day I will leave and I have my location, my plans, my motivation, my date for departure even....I'm scared to tell my family. They are probably never going to understand. They will not like the idea of me leaving. How do I soften the blow for them?
I am also unsure what to do with my kitties, one of which is laying across my keyboard as I type lol. He so loves to be with me when I'm on my laptop. Harley has seen me through some dark days after my daughter left home. He has been a constant source of laughter and love, sprinkled with frustration at some of his persistent, crazy antics. Lady has always been my girl. She loved me from the moment I brought her home and she trusts me and only me. How can I abandon them or hurt them? They have been good for me all this time.
So, I guess nothing on this earth is without it's problems. I pray I will have the strength and wisdom to make the right choices. It is all in how we handle those issues that makes the difference and determines whether or not we bring honor and glory to His name.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Hello out there in the www. This is my first and probably my worst blog post. I kinda stumbled onto this idea tonight at three in the morning. Therefore, if anything is misspelled or written using poor english I have a valid excuse. :) For those of you who don't know me, I am so sorry. You are truely missing out. Just kidding! Boy, I can tell I need sleep! Really, I plan to share some of my life experiences that have changed me and helped me grow closer to God. Through these posts, you will no doubt get a glimpse of me. However, it is my hope that what I bring is honor and glory to His name. I am a sinner, as we all are. I have made some bad decisions in my life, as we all have. I have also suffered consequences for some of those sins and bad choices. What keeps me going is the hope and grace that Jesus gave me the day He gave His life up on the cross so that I could spend an eternity with Him. None of us deserve that opportunity. None of us are good enough to get there on our own. God made a way for us to have a relationship with Him and I want to share (through my blogs) my ongoing relationship with the Lord. This life and time we have here on earth matters. If you haven't had a conversation with God before. Start now. He knows what is going on in your life but He wants you to share your life with Him. I can't go without mentioning the word Love. God created us in love and saved us through His love. He loves us when we are unloveable. God loves even the vilest sinner. God loves me. Not because I am deserving or because I am just that good, but because He is love and He is just that good. With that being said....I'm going to get some sleep (hopefully). I will post again soon! Go live for His honor and glory!